Delta Epsilon Chapter

In 2016,
Students of the Boston University community came together and founded the Delta Epsilon Chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity after starting off as a colony of the Mu Chapter at the University of New Hampshire. The Delta Epsilon Chapter at Boston University has been and continues to stand by the three objects of the fraternity: to bind, to strive, and to aid.
More than just a Fraternity,
We are a community, a family. Through membership and social events, brothers forge lifelong friendships and networks. Through community service and professional development, brothers take an active role in shaping the Boston community and obtain hands-on, real-world experiences on and off campus.
Our Aim is to…
Bring together chemists from all backgrounds and unite them under a common goal. In light of recent events, we — the Brothers of the Delta Epsilon Chapter — stand in solidarity with black brothers and sisters of the BU community. We strive for diversity in research, in STEM, and beyond.