As a pledge, you will be required to meet with the VMA a couple of times. These meetings are merely a “check-in” in order to make sure you are on track with your requirements. They are also a great time for any questions, comments, or concerns you may have and allows the VMA to get to know you a bit better one-on-one!

The following dates are the weeks meetings will be held:

VMA Meeting 1 - Week of February 24

VMA Meeting 2 - ???

Meetings will be held in Pavement (unless you are personally contacted by the VMA).

Please sign up for a time slot via the link below. You will be notified when sign-ups are available for each biweekly meeting. Time slots are in half-hour intervals, but the time length of the meeting depends on you. If you are up to date with your requirements and have no questions, the meeting may last only 5-10min. After the meeting, you will be free to leave. You can also choose to stay and get to know the VMA or complete some library hours!

If you are unable to meet during one of the open time slots, please contact the VMA .

REMEMBER, these meetings are just a little check-in to see how your pledging process is going!